Travelling in Apulia: Trani, "The Pearl of the Adriatic Sea"

Cattedrale Trani
Trani Castello Svevo
Porto di Trani

Trani is located in Apulia, the Italian easternmost region boasting an incredible coastal development. Fronting onto the Adriatic Sea, Trani, represents the capital city, along with Andria and Barletta.

Trani, also known as “The Pearl of the Adriatic Sea“, is famous for its Romanesque Cathedral, as well for producing Moscato wine and manufacturing a particular type of marble (Trani stone). Furthermore, this city is picturesque and elegant: surrounded by St. Lucia and St. Antonio docks, the magnificent Trani port represents the core of the city, where you can buy fresh fish, besides symbolising the hearth of the city nightlife.

Trani is rich in artistic and architectural sights, such as mansions and churches of different ages, which are a testimony of its glorious past. Ever since the XVI century, the city has been a flourish freight yard, where it is thought the first maritime law code of the West, the Ordinamenta et consuetudo maris, was issued, in 1063.

In the past, Trani was the capital city of the Terra di Bari province (“land of Bari”), before hosting the Apulian appeal court (Corte d’appello delle Puglie). In the present day, the Court is based in this city.

You can start visiting Trani from the fascinating Cathedral dedicated to Saint Nicholas the Pilgrim, a romantic jewel fronting the sea, which was included in the “Italian wonders” list. Despite being unusually taller than the majority of the other religious buildings of the area, the Cathedral features lavish interior decorations, as well two crypts, those of St. Nicholas and St. Mary, besides the St. Leucio Hypogeum.

Just a few steps away from the Cathedral, lies the Castello Svevo (Houhenstaufen Castle), an impressive fort commissioned by Frederick II, whereas behind the port are the alleys of the Jewish district of Giudecca, which wind on among ancient synagogues and artisanal workshops. Not so far from here, is the Villa Comunale (council villa), a relaxing public garden close to the sea, while the St. Mary Colonna’s Monastery is located approximately one mile away from the residential area.

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